Friday, June 18, 2010

It's Summer Again..

 Ah, it's been too long. Things are looking positive for this upcoming holiday. I hope to fill it with lots of beneficial activities, unlike the dullness and inactivity of this blog in recent months. There will be good learning opportunities with programs by ustaz Hasrizal of between the 2-4 of July (Jerayawara bersama Ustaz Hasrizal).

Then there will be a conference with the heading "Muslims in Multicultural Societies" between the 14-16 of July. Looking forward to meet Prof. Tariq Ramadan and to experience and gain from the discourses that will take place. (Conference Brochure).

Hope there will be more of such events. If not, then maybe I could take a short trip to our neighboring country and visit places such as Kelantan, to experience the Islamic atmosphere that Tuan Guru Nik Aziz has brought to the state. Maybe even attend his famous weekly 'ceramah', usually on Friday mornings, where people would come in droves from all over Malaysia. Or attend other 'ceramahs' by the many personalities all over Malaysia.

Apart from that, there will always be the chill out sessions with family and friends and maybe we could also slip in an island trip or two, hmmm, why not? Insya Allaah.. less than a week to go now.. Singapore here I come!

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