Thursday, February 06, 2014

Two Basic Conditions

Today I chanced upon a small booklet which says "(Surah) Yasin's Virtue" on its cover written in arabic. The writer is someone unknown and after the author's name, the word Makkah Al-Mukarramah was printed, indicating it was from Makkah.

The following is its introduction.

"Special procedure in reciting Surah Yasin virtue

Before reciting Surah Yaaseen's virtue, one must firstly utter the Shahadah, "Ash hadu an laa ilaaha illallaah wa ash hadu annaa Muhammadarrasuulullah". Then recite "Bismillaahirrahmaanirraheem", then recite Al-Fatihah for Rasullullaah SAW once, then recite Al-Fatihah for Sayyidina Khidir 'alaihissalaam once, then recite Al-Fatihah for the soul of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani. Then request blessings from Allah to grant what one is asking for. The mode of request should be as follows "Oh Allah I pray to you tonight by reciting Surah Yaasin's Virtue on behalf of so-and-so in the hope that he or she recovers from his or her sickness" or other requests in the hope that with the recitation of it would bring blessings and grant the requests.

In this "Yaaseen's Virtue" there are a few verses denoting "X" where one should pause and seek Allah's blessings while at the same time, uttering the name of the person to whom one is reciting for and this should be repeated for all 8 "X" stopping places. Then continue with the seven recitations after Surah Yaseen.

Note: If one is reciting alone, one must recite seven times. If there are seven people reciting, it is sufficient for each to recite only once. And one should know the date of birth of the person whom one is reciting for. If his/her date of birth is unknown, then one must recite for seven nights consecutively. -end-"


1. Upon browsing its contents, I realized that the booklet is not just Surah Yasin by itself but Surah Yaseen that has been interjected with additional non-hadeeth related recitations of dhikr and supplications at different points of the Surah.

2. It is a booklet probably with the sole purpose of seeking Allah's blessings and help for one's needs.

3. Just to remind myself and also others in sha Allah. For the acceptance of righteous deeds and this includes, dhikr, supplications, reading the Qur'an seeking blessings and cure from it, it is stipulated that the following two basic conditions must be fulfilled:

a) The intentions while doing such deeds must be totally for Allah's sake only without any show-off to gain praise or fame.

b) Such a deed must be performed in accordance with the Sunnah of Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu'alaihi wasallam), the last of the Prophets and Messengers.

The proof in this regard is many some of them are as follows, Allaah Almighty says in the Qur'an:

{"So whoever hopes to see His Lord and be rewarded by Him, then let him make his worship correct and make it purely and sincerely for Him; and let him not make any share of it for anyone other than Him."} [Soorah al-Kahf (18):11O]

{"And obey Allaah and obey the Messenger that you may receive Allaah’s Mercy, and hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and to Paradise whose width is that of the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious who are obedient to Allaah."} [Soorah Aal-'Imraan (3): 132-133]

{"So whoever obeys Allaah and His Messenger, by submitting to their commands and being pleased with their judgement, and withholding from what they forbid, then he is with those whom Allaah has blessed with guidance and obedience in this world and with Paradise in the Hereafter, with the prophets, their sincere followers who were upon their way, the martyrs, and the righteous; and what an excellent companionship in Paradise are they."} [Soorah an-Nisaa (4):69]

{"And whoever obeys Allaah and His Messenger has achieved the greatest success."} [Soorah al-Ahzaab (33):71]

4. While I'm sure the people who would use the booklet mentioned above are sincere and have good pure intentions to seek Allah's blessings, thus meeting condition "a", what about condition "b"?

5. If only sincerity and good intentions are sufficient for righteous deeds to be accepted, then this would include all other forms of religion. I'm sure people of other religion do the righteous deeds that their religion teaches them to perform, with full sincerity and good intentions hoping for good blessings as a result of their actions. No sane person would do as such to be damned and condemned.

6. With regards to the booklet and the "special instructions" in it, we can put forward a simple question to see if it complies with condition "b".

"What is the proof that it is from our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu'alaihi wasallam?"

For each and every specific instructions to perform a good deed, it must be backed with a proof that it is what Rasulullaah sallallaahu'alahi wasallam have taught. This is also the case for specific virtues of any surah from the Qu'ran.

7. We can also take note of the usage of intermediaries to seek blessings as instructed in the booklet. "then recite Al-Fatihah for Rasullullaah SAW once, then recite Al-Fatihah for Sayyidina Khidir 'alaihissalaam once, then recite Al-Fatihah for the soul of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani." This is a form of intermediary that has no basis in Islam.

When we want to ask from Allah, it suffices for us to seek it directly from Allah. Allah Ta'ala says in the Qur'an:

{"And when My servants ask you (O Muhammad concerning Me, then answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright."} [Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:186]

{"Your Lord says: O people, invoke Me and supplicate to Me making your worship sincerely for Me alone, and I will answer you, and pardon you and have mercy upon you..."} [Soorah Ghaafir (40):60]

This is also as taught by our Prophet sallallaahu'alaihi wasallam in the following hadeeth:

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas (radhiallaahu 'anhuma): Once I was behind the Prophet (sallallaahu'alaihi wasallam) and he said: ((O boy, I will teach you a few words: Be loyal and obedient to Allah [worship Him (Alone)], remember Him always, obey His Orders. He will save you from every evil and will take care of you in all the spheres of life. Be loyal and obedient to Allah, you will find Him near [(in front of you), i.e. He will respond your requests]. If you ask, ask Allah. If you seek help, seek help from Allah....))] [Sahih At-Tirmidhi]

9. There are many booklets and books available that promotes righteous acts, deeds, dhikr and supplications that complies with how our Prophet sallallaahu'alaihi wassalam taught us. One of them is the popular booklet called "Hisnul Muslim" or translated as "Fortress of the Muslim". We should try our best to utilize such books that are readily available for our references in performing good deeds which comply with his teachings and avoid those with vague and unclear references.

Allah Almighty knows best.

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