Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Is Marriage Like Dating?

"If you marry for the right reasons, you will have a healthy relationship with your spouse...

Worry and take care about your own obligations and forget about your rights...

Expect only from Allah Ta'ala. If we put hopes only in creation, in things, they are going to disappoint you. Allah Azza wa Jalla teaches us in the Qur'an to only place hopes in Him."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    My marriage has been completely transformed by the A New Beginning workshop by Dr Itua love spell. I am shocked that so much can be done in love spell by Dr itua and that a marriage can so quickly get on the road to recovery…The resources taught by this Dr Itua love spell really work and can help repair a failing marriage. I would strongly recommend Dr Itua love spell to any couple that is considering divorce. One step will change your life and marriage .
    Here is Dr itua contact..drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com   whatsapp  ..   +2348149277967
