Sunday, December 12, 2010

Notes on Hajj 2010

The article below was written by a respected and known local ustaz who performed Hajj recently. The recent pilgrimage was his 9th. He shares his thoughts, experiences, the challenges and changes that he observed, positive and negative ones. And there are important issues raised which I have heard before in previous years through others' experiences and I feel, have to be highlighted as it concerns the affairs of every pilgrim who has strived in every way possible, to be able to perform this noble jihad for the sake of Allah Almighty. (insha Allah i'll try to work on an English version of the note soon to spread the message when I have the time - done Alhamdulillaah, located below the original


Setelah 8 kali menunaikan ibadah haji, tahun ini 2010, ternyata memberi pengalaman dan pengajaran baru dan mencabar yang mengembirakan dan tidak terlepas juga yang mengecewakan. Biasalah hidup ini ada hitam putihnya. Maka tujuan nota ini dikongsi adalah sebagai menceritakan pengalaman haji tahun 2010. Ianya tidak bertujuan komersial atau menceritakan keburukan individu tertentu, hanya sekadar perkongsian yang diharapkan dapat menjadi iktibar dan tauladan.

Alhamdulillah, terlaksana sudah ibadah haji untuk tahun ini 2010 dan diharapkan agar ianya menjadi haji yang mabrur bagi semua jemaah haji pada tahun ini, amin.

Banyak perubahan yang telah berlaku. Yang paling ketara ialah pembangunan di Mekah. Di sekeliling Masjidil Haram tidak kelihatan lagi bangunan bangunan lama. Hotel-hotel terkenal dahulu seperti Aziz Khogeer, Makkah Hotel, White Palace, Safa Hotel, dan banyak lagi hotel yang didiami oleh jemaah Singapura sudah dirobohkan bagi pembangunan baru. Sekarang, yang berdekatan dengan Masjid Haram adalah hotel baru seperti Zam Zam Tower, Movenpick, Hilton (pun tak lama lagi akan dirobohkan), Mekah City Tower, Safwa, Fairmont, Meridien dan ada lagi yang saya tak ingat nama-namanya.

Bagi yang sudah lama berulang alik ke Mekah, pasti merasakan kelainan atas perubahan yang dilakukan. Ada yang rasa kurang seronok kerana seolah-olah suasana asal Mekah sudah tiada lagi. Bagi saya, perubahan lanskap tidak penting kerana yang paling utama ialah Masjid Haram itu sendiri.

Selain di kawasan Masjid Haram, pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan Saudi adalah di kawasan Jamrah. Tempat itu dipeluaskan agar para jemaah haji mudah melakukan ibadah jamrah pada tanggal 10 hingga 13 Zulhijjah.

Itu semua cerita perubahan lanskap yang berlaku di Mekah yang bagi saya, memang wajar dilakukan untuk mempermudahkan lagi dan memberi keselesaan yang sebaik mungkin kepada jemaah haji seluruh dunia.

Namun, sudut lain juga terdapat perubahannya. Sudut itu ialah manasik haji. Sepanjang pengalaman saya, memang terdapat perubahan yang sedikit demi sedikit sehingga akhirnya menjadi virus kepada manasik haji. Dalam bab haji, kita semua sudah dipesan oleh Nabi s.a.w yang maksudnya ialah, “Hendaklah kamu mengambil dariku manasik kamu”. Hadis riwayat Imam Muslim. Maksudnya ialah lakukan ibadah haji serta tirulah gaya dan caranya menurut apa yang telah diajarkan dan ditunjukkan oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

Dalam bab solat juga Nabi s.a.w pernah bersabda dengan maksudnya, “Solatlah kamu sepertimana kamu melihat aku solat.” Hadis Muttafaq ‘Alaih.

Saya cuba memikirkan mengapa di dalam bab solat dan haji, Nabi s.a.w mengingatkan agar diikuti betul-betul apa yang ditunjukkan, manakala ibadah lain seperti zakat dan puasa tidak diperincikan.

Saya berpendapat dan ini pendapat peribadi saya, cabaran solat dan haji lebih besar dari cabaran zakat dan puasa. Dalam al-Quran disebut mengenai solat yang disifatkan sebagai berat dan beban ke atas manusia kecuali mereka yang khusyuk. Haji pula disifatkan oleh Nabi s.a.w sebagai jihad. Manakala zakat dan puasa pula tidak disifatkan sebegitu. Pastinya, orang yang faham akan maksud syariat akan sentiasa akur dan cuba sedaya mungkin untuk melaksanakan ibadah menurut apa yang telah diajarkan oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

Inilah yang berlaku dalam musim haji setiap tahun, pasti ada sahaja kedengaran kaedah dan ajaran baru diperkenalkan. Yang saya pelik, boleh pula diterima orang. Sedangkan kalau dinasihatkan supaya mengikut Sunnah Nabi s.a.w, bermacam-macam alasan diberikan. Ajaran-ajaran baru itu semua dikatakan terdapat di dalam kitab-kitab fiqh dan hadis-hadis ahkam.  

Persoalan saya, adakah semua maklumat yang ditulis di dalam kitab-kitab itu boleh digunakan? Adakah orang yang mengajar itu faham mengenai metodologi penulisan para ulama? Inilah musibah yang melanda sebahagian manusia hari ini. Main celup sana sikit, sini sikit dan terus membuat keputusan. Sedangkan mereka tidak memahami kaedah ilmiah dalam mengeluarkan sesuatu hukum.

Contohnya, dalam bab haji, ada sebahagian jemaah dari asia tenggara yang melalui Miqat Yalamlam tidak berihram bila melaluinya. Mereka hanya berihram ketika sudah sampai di Jeddah. Pembimbing mereka mendakwa cara ini terdapat di dalam kitab karangan Imam al-Syawkani. Cuba tanya para ulama, adakah itu cara yang terbaik dan yang lebih penting, adakah ia boleh dilakukan?

Kemudian, ada pula yang mendakwa bahawa kawasan Aziziyah dan Shisha di Mekah sudah termasuk dalam kawasan Mina lantas tidak perlu bermalam lagi di khemah-khemah Mina. Hanya ke Mina untuk melontar jamrah sahaja. Itu pun ada sebahagian jemaah yang diajar untuk jamak (satukan) lontaran jamrah ketiga-tiga hari tasyriq, pada hari terakhir! Inna lillah wa inna ilaihi rajiun!

Islam sudah mudah, bagaimana hendak dimudahkan lagi? Adakah ini dinamakan jihad sepertimana yang Nabi s.a.w umpamakannya dengan Haji?

Saya boleh gambarkan tidak mustahil satu masa nanti, jemaah haji hanya meletakkan kaki sahaja di Arafah buat beberapa ketika lalu keluar terus dari Arafah sebelum tenggelam matahari! Dan akhirnya, mungkin juga nanti ada yang berpendapat, tak perlu ke Mekah, cukup sekadar niat sahaja dalam hati untuk menunaikan haji, sama seperti dakwaan kumpulan ajaran sesat mengenai solat hanya perlukan niat sahaja!

Inilah yang berlaku, semakin tahun, semakin mudah dan gampang gayanya orang melakukan haji. Saya lihat ianya bukan salah para jemaah, tetapi ianya salah orang yang membawa jemaah itu kerana jemaah hanya tahu ikut sahaja. Lebih malang lagi tahun ini, saya diberitahu oleh salah seorang jemaah, ada yang ditipu hanya dengan alasan hendak mempermudahkan operasi agensi mereka semata-mata! KepadaMu ya Allah kami mohon keselamatan dan keampunan.

Bagi saya, inilah ujian untuk saya tahun ini. Melihat perubahan yang berkaitan dengan ibadah sudah mula membiak. Kecewa dan marah rasanya. Jika tidak dibendung dan dikembalikan kepada ajaran sebenar Nabi s.a.w, maka akan kelihatan banyak lagi perkara-perkara pelik pada masa akan datang.

Saya rasa bertanggungjawab untuk berkongsi sama perkara ini agar bakal jemaah haji tidak tersilap langkah. Jangan jadi bak kata pepatah, ‘indah khabar dari rupa’ kerana setiap tahun, saya didatangi dan ditanya oleh jemaah-jemaah yang merasakan sendiri ada kelainan pada cara manasik haji mereka. Apa yang diajarkan di dalam kursus menerusi kitab-kitab semuanya sama tetapi bila sampai ke praktikalnya di Mekah lain pula jadinya. Tahun ini pun cerita yang sama. Ada segelintir jemaah yang mengenali saya bertanya itu dan ini mengenai manasik yang mana mereka merasakan apa yang mereka alami tidak seperti yang mereka pelajari.

Ada yang menyangka bahawa terdapat sekatan atau semacam polisi dari pihak kerajaan Saudi untuk tidak membenarkan jemaah buat itu dan ini. Untuk makluman semua, itu semua tidak berlaku sama sekali. Tidak ada sekatan untuk berihram di dalam pesawat, tidak ada sekatan untuk bermalam di Mina, tidak ada sekatan untuk bermalam di Muzdalifah, tidak ada sekatakan untuk melontar jamrah pada kesemua hari-hari wajib melontar, tidak ada sekatan untuk solat di dalam Masjid Haram dan seterusnya tiada sekatan lain. Hanya tahun ini saya lihat, Hijir Ismail sahaja ditutup.

Jika jemaah haji dihalang kerana masalah keselamatan atau polisi kerajaan Saudi, maka itu bukan salah agensi kerana seperti yang kita tahu, semua yang memasuki Saudi perlu mematuhi undang-undang Negara itu.

Oleh itu teman-teman sekalian, sila pastikan agar anda semua bersiap sedia dengan ilmu pengetahuan yang betul mengenai manasik haji. Belajarlah dengan ramai guru. Kemudian, sebelum memilih mana-mana agensi, istikharahlah kepada Allah minta petunjuk agensi mana yang patut dipilih. Selanjutnya, pastikan agensi yang dipilih itu jujur dalam memberi informasi mengenai perjalanan haji mereka. Jangan cerita di Singapura lain, di Mekah/Madinah lain pula jadinya. Belanja haji bukannya murah, maka adalah wajar dan berbaloi jika kita tahu kemana perginya wang kita bagi memastikan haji kita haji yang sempurna dari awal hingga akhir.

Sebenarnya banyak lagi perkara-perkara pelik yang disampaikan kepada jemaah tapi cukuplah sekadar ini sahaja buat kali ini.

Sekali lagi saya ulangi, ini sekadar menceritakan pengalaman yang berdasarkan fakta yang dialami oleh saya sendiri. Apa yang saya ceritakan bukan andaian tetapi satu realiti yang berlaku. Cerita saya ini juga bukan bertujuan komersial atau hendak mengaibkan sesiapa tapi sekadar menjadikan iktibar mana yang kurang elok marilah diperbaiki kerana hidup ini tidak lama dan kita semua bertanggungjawab kepada Allah kelak akan apa yang kita kerjakan di dunia.

Aqulu qauli haza wa Astaghfirullah al-Azhim wa jami’ al-muslimin wa al-muslimat..

Semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa-dosa kita semua dan merahmati kita selalu. Amin.

al-faqir ila Allah:

Mustazah Bahari


(English translated version, some additional words here and there but the main message remains)

Having performed hajj 8 times already, this time, in the year 2010, it definitely brings with it, new experiences, lessons and challenges. Similarly to the reality of ups and downs in life, some are positive while others are regretful.

The purpose of me sharing this note is to relate my experiences of Hajj 2010. It’s not intended for commercial purposes or to reveal the depravity of a certain individual but just as a sharing with hope that it would be bring us all lessons and reminders.

Alhamdulillah, the pilgrimage for this year, 2010 have been completed and may it be a ‘hajj mabroor’ (that it’d be accepted) for all the pilgrims, Amin.

There have been so many changes. The most distinct is the development of the city of Makkah. There no longer exist many of the old buildings that were once normally seen around Masjidil Haram. Former well-known hotels where Singaporean pilgrims would normally occupy, such as Aziz Khogee, Makkah Hotel, White Palace, Safa Hotel and many others have been demolished to make way for the new development plans. Currently, the nearest hotels to Masjidil Haram are new hotels such as Zam Zam Tower, Movenpick, Hilton (which would soon be demolished), Makkah City Tower, Safwa, Fairmont, Meridien and many others which names I’ve already forgotten.

For those who haven’t had a returned trip to Makkah for a while, they would surely feel a difference due to the new developments. Some pilgrims who had done so, disliked the new environment as they preferred the old ambiance that previously existed. Personally, the changes in landscape are not as important as Masjidil Haram itself.

Other than the areas around Masjidil Haram, new expansions have been made to the Jamaraat area by the Saudi government. The Jamaraat area has been vastly expanded to accommodate the increase in pilgrims and for more ease and comfort in performing hajj from the 10th to 13th Dzulhijjah. These are some of the changes in landscape that have happened in Makkah, which to me, are relevant and will provide a safer and better experience for all the pilgrims around the world.

From another context, in the rites of Hajj, there also exist changes. In all of my experiences, I’ve noticed changes, which have increased little by little and until now, it has become a harmful virus towards the rites of Hajj. In the chapter of Hajj, we have all been reminded by our Prophet sallallaahu’alayhi wasallam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which translates to, “Take from me your ‘manaasik’(rites)”. [Hadeeth Muslim]. It means that we have to perform Hajj according to how Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have demonstrated and taught.

In the chapter of Solat (Prayers), the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have also said (translated), “Perform prayers as how you have seen me performed it.” [Hadeeth Muttafaq ‘Alaih (Bukhari & Muslim)]

I’ve tried to reflect, as to why, in the chapters of Prayers and Hajj, the Prophet sallallaahu’alayhi wasallam reminded us in great detail, to be attentive in following the correct way while in other rituals such as Zakat and Fasting, it had not been done similarly.

I’ve resolved on the matter and this is only from my own perspective, the reason is that the challenges that comes with performing Solat and Hajj is much bigger than the challenges in performing Zakat and Fasting. In the Qur’an, there’s a reference about Prayers which was described as a heavy burden for humans except for those who are devoted. As for Hajj, it was described by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as a form of Jihad (strive for spiritual perfection). And it was not described to such extent for both Zakat and Fasting.

Surely, those who understands the conditions and laws of Allah will always acknowledge a certain ruling or hadeeth and try their best to perform the Islamic rituals according to what have been taught by Allah through the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

However, for every different Hajj season, there’ll always be stories heard about a new form of practice or ruling that have been taught and utilized. What’s odd is that people actually accepted it as a correct form of practice. Whilst when they were reminded to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), all sorts of reasons would be given. These new forms of practice are said to be found in books of Fiqh and Hadeeths Rulings.

The question is, are all the information which were written in those books valid for use? Do the people who are teaching from those books understand regarding the writing methodology of past scholars? This is the disaster that is sweeping among some of the people today. They’d simply take information from here and there and make a decision regarding a ruling. While the actual fact is that they don’t really understand the academic conditions in deriving a certain ruling.

For example, in the chapter of Hajj, there exist some pilgrims from South East Asia who passed by Miqaat Yalamlam without being in a state of ihram while passing it. They’d only start being in a state of ihram when they’d arrived in Jeddah. Their guide would claim that the opinion for this practice is stated in a book by Imam al-Syawkani. Try to ask the prominent scholars, is that the best way and more importantly, can it be utilized?

Then there are those who claim that the area of Aziziyyah and Shisha in Makkah are included in the areas of Mina hence, there’s no need to stay the night in the camps of Mina. The only requirement is to head to Mina for the stoning ritual at the Jamaraat area. What’s even ‘better’, is that some of the groups of pilgrims were taught to combine all three days of stoning ritual in the days of Tasyriq into one day, in the final day of Tasyriq! Inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi raaji’oon!

Islam is already simple, how can it be possible for it to be simplified further? Can this type of Hajj be termed as the form of Jihad which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) described?

I can imagine that it’s not impossible if one day, the pilgrims would only have to place a foot in Arafah for a moment, then immediately leave Arafah before the sun sets! And maybe there will even be those who will give an opinion that there’s no need to go to Makkah but the intention in the heart would suffice for the completion of Hajj, similar to the claims made by a deviant sect regarding prayers. That it’s enough just by one’s intentions!

These are some of the things that are happening, year after year. It seems that for some, Hajj is getting easier and more relaxing. I observe that for most cases, the pilgrims were not at fault. It is more towards those who are responsible over the pilgrims as most of the pilgrims don’t know much and only follow. Worse, for this year, I’ve been told by a pilgrim that there were some who were cheated just for the selfish desires of the travel agent! Only to You oh Allah, do we hope for safety and forgiveness.

For me, it was a test, seeing changes especially when it involves the rites of worship, spreading. It’s disappointing and exasperating. If it’s not controlled and returned to the correct teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), we will see more of such odd instances in the future.

I feel it’s a responsibility to share this with the hope that future pilgrims will not make a mistake. Don’t make the wrong choice regarding travel agencies, which may actually be just ‘a flash in a pan’ (Something that shows potential or looks promising in the beginning but fails to deliver anything in the end.) because every year, pilgrims come to me and ask me about this and that as they themselves have felt something amiss in the way that they have been brought about in performing Hajj. Whatever that they have been taught through their courses were similar to the general teachings but when it comes to the practical part in Makkah, it turned out differently. It was the same for this year. There were a number of pilgrims who knows me, who asked about this and that regarding the rites of Hajj they’d performed which they felt wasn’t the same as to what they have learnt.

There were also those who assumed that there exists some form of red-tape or policies from the Saudi Government not to allow the pilgrims to do this or that. For your information, all those assumptions did not happen at all. There are no restrictions to be in a state of ihram in the plane, no restrictions to stay the night in Mina, no restrictions to stay the night in Muzdalifah, no restrictions for the stoning rituals at Jamaraat for all the obligatory days of stoning, no restrictions to pray in Masjidil Haram and similarly about other assumptions. The only restriction that’s apparent for this year is the closure of Hijr Ismail during the Hajj period.

If the pilgrims were restricted due to safety concerns or certain policies from the Saudi government, then that would not be the fault of the travel agency but as we all know, we are all bounded by the rules and regulations of Saudi Arabia once we enter the country.

Therefore my friends, please be sure and to be completely prepared with the proper knowledge about the rites of Hajj. Learn with different teachers or asatizahs. Then, before choosing any travel agency, perform istikharah to Allah for guidance as to which agency you should choose. Also, make sure that the agency of choice is honest and regular with the information and service that they provide regarding the Hajj journey. Ensure from the experiences of previous pilgrims, for example, whether what’s been said back in Singapore does/does not occur once in Makkah or Madeenah. The expenditure for Hajj is not cheap; therefore it is a necessary and worthy practice to ensure that our money is well spent to ensure a good journey from start to finish, more importantly, the completion of Hajj according to the best of manners and practices taught by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

Actually there were many other odd practices that I would like to share but it’s enough for now.

Once again, I repeat, that this is written only to relate facts that are based on my own experiences. What I’ve related are not assumptions but a true reality of what is happening. My story is not for commercial purposes or to humiliate anyone but just as a reminder for us all. Let’s strive to improve ourselves to be better as life is short and we are all responsible to Allah for everything that we do here in this world.

Aqulu qauli haza wa Astaghfirullah al-Azhim wa jami’ al-muslimin wa al-muslimat..

May Allah forgive all our sins and be merciful to us always. Amin.

al-faqir ila Allah:

Mustazah Bahari 

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