Monday, August 02, 2010

Question On Tawakkal

Once upon a time, I was bloghopping when I came across an entry which questioned on the limits of tawakkal, literally meaning putting one's trust in Allah. Here's part of the entry..


The question is this: Where do you draw the line between giving up and leaving it to Him? Yes, its a question on tawakkal. Something I’ve grappled with for quite a while.

Once, I had wanted something so badly. I prayed, I put in effort, I tried whatever I could (with the limited resources and capabilities that I had at that time) and I gave my all. And then, I decided that I should just leave it to Him. Things that I was doing did not seem to get me any closer to what I wanted.

When I told a friend that I was leaving it to Him, she said to me, “You’re being too tawakkal.” What is too tawakkal?? How do you know if you’ve done enough?

Anyway, that was then. I did not get what I had wanted but I’ve made peace with it and I actually kind of see that Allah had other plans for me and I’m happy where I am with regards to that issue.

Fairly recently, I made up my mind about where my priorities should be and since then, decisions that I had made would have those as a guideline.

Again, someone commented, “You give up too easily.”

Now I’m really confused. When I’m doing so much, someone says I don’t do enough, another says I should leave it to Him. When I really DO leave it to Him, another says I give up too easily.

How do you define giving up and how do you know if you’re giving up or you’re really sincerely, honestly just leaving it to Him?


The entry made me do my own research on the matter and after reading a number of articles, I came upon these articles which helped me understand better on the matters of tawakkal.

The first article was originally in Malay and I have done a simple translation of it to English here entitled 'Searching For Success With Reference to Allah'..

I will re-post the second article here. The original article have been removed from the website itself but alhamdulillaah, I have posted it before in this blog.

 And also this article entitled 'The Concept Of Trust In Allah'.


Article originally from

There Is Good In Every Event

By Harun Yahya, Muslim Thinker.

Every event that happens to the Muslim has one sort or another of goodness in it. Allah states that even events that seem to be unfavorable may have a lot of good in them:

[It may well be that you dislike something in which Allah has placed a lot of good.] (An-Nisaa' 4:19)

[It may be that you hate something when it is good for you and it may be that you love something when it is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know.] (Al-Baqarah 2:216)

Aware of this secret, believers seek goodness and beauty in every event. No seemingly adverse incident, hardship, or mischief ails or worries them. They maintain their composure, whether the experience is insignificant or a serious ordeal. Sincere Muslims even see goodness and divine purpose in the loss of all their hard earned possessions. They express gratitude to Allah for the gift of life. They have faith that Allah may have protected them from committing an evil act or against too much attachment for possessions.

Accordingly, believers give their most inner thanks to Him because no loss in this world equals the loss in the hereafter. Loss in the hereafter means eternal and intolerable punishment (unless Allah wills otherwise). Those who keep themselves occupied with the remembrance of the hereafter view every event as goodness and beauty leading to the hereafter.

Those who overcome such ordeals will recognize their weaknesses before Allah and will reconsider how much they are in need of Him. They will turn to Allah with much humility through prayers and remembrance that will bring them closer to Him. This is surely an enormous benefit to their hereafter. These aside, by putting absolute trust in Allah and showing steadfastness, they will earn His pleasure and will be rewarded with eternal bliss.

People should seek goodness and beauty not only in ordeals, but also in daily routines. For example, burning the food one has painstakingly prepared may lead one to take numerous measures that would, by the will of Allah, prevent a more serious accident in the future. A young person might fail the college admission test on which all hopes for the future had been pinned.

People should, however, know that there is goodness in their failure, too; they should be able to think that Allah might have willed them to avoid some adverse circumstances or people and thereby feel pleased with the result. Alternatively, by thinking that Allah has placed in every event many other blessings that are either obvious or beyond the imagination, believers see the beauty of full submission to the guidance of Allah.

People may not always see the goodness and divine purpose behind every incident. Even if this is the case, they know for certain that there is goodness in all events. They offer prayers for Allah to discover the goodness and divine purpose hidden behind everything that happens.

Those who are aware that everything has a purpose in Allah's creation never use phrases such as "I wish I had not done this" or "I wish I had not said that" and so on. Mistakes, defects, or seemingly unfortunate events essentially include blessings, and each one of them is the trial of destiny. Allah gives important lessons and reminders to humans in the destiny He creates individually for each person.

For those who can evaluate with insight, there are no mistakes or adversities, but rather lessons, warnings, and wisdom from Allah. For example, a Muslim whose shop burns down will search his or her soul, and will become even more sincere and true in his or her faith, deeming it as a warning by Allah against overindulgence in worldly goods and attachments.

Consequently, no matter what one encounters in this life, the ordeals will all eventually end. A person who recalls a hardship will be amazed that it is nothing more than a reminiscence in the mind. This is also how people recall the scenes from a film. Accordingly, one day will come and the most painful experience will become only a memory, more like the image of a scene from a movie. Only one thing will remain — the attitude a person assumed during the time of hardship and whether Allah is pleased with him or her.

People will not be called to account for their experiences, but rather for their attitudes, thoughts, and sincerity they displayed at the time of these experiences. Therefore, endeavoring to see the goodness and the divine purpose Allah creates in the situations encountered and taking a positive attitude will bring bliss to believers both in this world and in the hereafter. No sorrow or fear awaits these believers who are aware of this secret. Similarly, no one, no event can create fear, harm, or distress in this world or in the hereafter. Allah reveals this secret in the Qur'an:

[Those who follow My guidance will feel no fear and will know no sorrow.] (Al-Baqarah 2:38)

[Yes, the closer servants of Allah will feel no fear nor shall they grieve: those who believe and have done their duty, there is good news for them in the life of the world and in the Hereafter. There is no changing the words of Allah. That is the great victory.] (Yunus 10:62-64)

- Harun Yahya was born in Ankara in 1956. He studied fine arts at Istanbul's Mimar Sinan University and philosophy at Istanbul University. Since the 1980s, he has published many books on political, faith-related, and scientific issues.


Just To Add..

From what I understand, in whatever that we're striving for to achieve, it definitely needs effort and not only that, but the RIGHT form of planning and effort as well as placing complete trust in Allah in everything that we do. Only then, we may have a higher chance of success and at the same time will be rewarded and blessed for trusting Him.

If it doesn’t turn out the way we hope for, only Allah knows best as what has been stated the second article..

“Every event that happens to the Muslim has one sort or another of goodness in it. Allah states that even events that seem to be unfavorable may have a lot of good in them:

[It may well be that you dislike something in which Allah has placed a lot of good.] (An-Nisaa’ 4:19)

[It may be that you hate something when it is good for you and it may be that you love something when it is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know.] (Al-Baqarah 2:216)

“Mistakes, defects, or seemingly unfortunate events essentially include blessings, and each one of them is the trial of destiny. Allah gives important lessons and reminders to humans in the destiny He creates individually for each person.

For those who can evaluate with insight, there are no mistakes or adversities, but rather lessons, warnings, and wisdom from Allah.”

Allah Almighty knows best.

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