Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sikap melampau dlm bermazhab

Salaam.. Its quite often when topics such as this is put on the table, muslims tend to turn away and say,"Naah..won't get involved in this".. "Small stuff..pecahkan umat je"

Is it true?

Hm, well this is my opinion, and I may be wrong so pls correct me if I am.. I feel that when we make ourselves exclusive to one mazhab, that is the cause for disunity in the ummah in addition to closure of knowledge. "Oh kita nie mazhab syafi'i.. tak boleh blajar lain2 mazhab.. mazhab lain2 tuh betol juga..tapi kalo syafi'i ikut syafi'i je sudah laa.."

Kenapa tak boleh blajar dari mazhab lain walaupon kita/ustaz kata dorang betul? Pasal ustaz cakap tak boleh? Have we ever thought about that? Why must we put total trust in anyone who's called an ustaz without knowing his/her study background or assuming that an ustaz is never wrong? When we only think inwards in our own circle, doesn't that stop the mind from progressing?

There's nothing in al-Quran or hadith that said those in the asian countries are automatically mazhab syafi'i.. we are mazhab syafi'i because we follow what our parents follow and the majority of muslims in Singapore are of mazhab syafi'i.

But in the end, when we leave this world.. we are the ones accountable for our own actions.. we won't be asked, which mazhab are you from? and we won't be judged according to what mazhab we're in.

Even our great Imam Syafi'e says..Lets ponder upon the words of Imam as-Syafi'e(translated):

'Pada suatu hari Imam asy-Syafie berkata kepada muridnya yang bernama ar-Rabi',"Wahai Abu Ishak, janganlah engkau bertaqlid kepadaku dalam tiap-tiap perkara yang aku katakan, fikirlah benar-benar demi untuk kebaikan dirimu sendiri, kerana ia adalah dari urusan agama." taken from- "Riwayat hidup 4 Imam Mazhab"(207) by Tarikuddin Bin Haji Hassan.

(my own translation in English, pls correct me if I err) "Imam asy-Syafie said to one of his students named ar-Rabi',"Abu Ishak, don't you put all your trust in me and believe in everything that I say, think wisely and truthfully for your own good, because this is regarding the matters of religion."

"Setiap apa yang aku ucapkan dan didapati apa yang sahih yang diriwayatkan oleh RasululLah menyanggahi pendapatku, maka ia (hadith Nabi s.a.w) itu yang lebih utama, jangan kamu mengikutiku" - Al-Zahabi, Siyar 'Alam al-Nubala', 10/33 (Maksudnya: jangan mengikutinya dalam pendapat-pendapat beliau yang tidak bertepatan dengan sunnah RasululLah s.a.w.)

"Every word that I say and if it is found from what is sahih(agreed upon most or all scholars) that is said to have come from RasullulLah which is against my opinion, then that(Prophet's s.a.w Hadeeth) is to be placed first and foremost, don't you follow mine" [i.e. dont follow him in his opinions which is not in accordance to RasululLah s.a.w. sunnah]

So, what is the best way to be sure? In addition to attending ceramahs, find out for yourselves through books and other ustaz.. keep an open mind with a good purpose(niat) of uniting the ummah, strengthening the ummah and to expand our knowledge for ourselves and Allah SWT.

Allah SWT knows best.

also see; Dari manakah asal usul gelaran Wahabbi?


  1. "It is true that all four mazahib are right, and following any one of them is permissible in order to follow Shari’ah. However, a layman, who lacks the ability to distinguish the arguments of each mazhab, cannot be allowed to pick and choose between different views only to satisfy his personal desires."

    No one's saying studying other mazhab is wrong. I never heard it myself. This is perhaps an issue in Malaysia though.

    Social complexities also explain why South East Asians are typically Mazhab Shafii while Pakistanis are of Mazhab Hanafi, e.t.c. It's not as straight forward as we think.

    I think we can have two categories to distinguish:

    A: The ones who say one mazhab is better than the other or that a particular mazhab is totally wrong.

    B: The ones who follow strictly to a specific mazhab and still recognize other mazhabs as equally valid. Neither one mazhab is superior or inferior over another.

    "A" obviously causes disunity.

    "B" however, accepts that there are differences but these should not lead to any resentment/disunity towards one another.


  2. "To follow one particular school of thought is a wise thing as one may not have enough knowledge to compare and analyse which one is better disposed in any situation. It calls for an ocean of knowledge and lots of God fearing-taqwa. Even such superly qualified Ulama have dared not even tried doing that i.e. jumping from one mazhab to another wildly. Imam Nawai stood with the Shafi school although he was knowdgeable. Shah waliyualla was Hanafi and Imam Bukahri himself followed Imam Shafi. Ibn Taimiya was Hanbali although he exerted his independent judgements on some 200 odd rulings."


  3. Salaam..thks for the views and comments bro..
