I decided to re-post this article. I've encountered quite a number of experiences such as this..
"Hey wan, you're heading to Makkah? Careful ok..the people there are all Wahabbi!"
"Hey, when you study there, remember not to follow other mazhabs(school of thought)..remain in your own mazhab..we must remember that we are from the Syafi'e mazhab"
"Salafis and Wahhabis are the same!? Be careful of them!?"
Hmm, I felt like asking back, well what is Wahhabi? Where did you get the facts? Are you saying that all in Makkah have diverted from the right path? That only the muslims in Singapore or asia or whoever follows Mazhab Syafi'i is in the right path? How do we know that we're in the right path?
But I see no end in the discussion if I were to ask them back there and then. Their minds are set that "everyone in Makkah or Madinah" are Wahhabi" or "all salafis are the same as wahhabi".
If you say that all in Makkah are Wahhabi, then how can you follow the Imam there during solat when you go there for Hajj or Umrah when you don't agree with them? You're implying that the everyone including all the well-knowm Imams there are wahhabi.
How is it that they have diverted from the true path when all that they are practicing are from al-Quran, as-sunnah and the ways of salafus-soleh(prophets' trusted companions)?
Which is just the same as what mazhab syafi'e or even the other mazhabs practice?
Lets ponder upon the words of Imam as-Syafi'e(translated):
'Pada suatu hari Imam asy-Syafie berkata kepada muridnya yang bernama ar-Rabi',"Wahai Abu Ishak, janganlah engkau bertaqlid kepadaku dalam tiap-tiap perkara yang aku katakan, fikirlah benar-benar demi untuk kebaikan dirimu sendiri, kerana ia adalah dari urusan agama." - "Riwayat hidup 4 Imam Mazhab"(207) by Tarikuddin Bin Haji Hassan.
(my own translation in English, pls correct me if I err) "Imam asy-Syafie said to one of his students named ar-Rabi',"Abu Ishak, don't you put all your trust in me and believe in everything that I say, think wisely and truthfully for your own good, because this is regarding the matters of religion."
"Setiap apa yang aku ucapkan dan didapati apa yang sahih yang diriwayatkan oleh RasululLah menyanggahi pendapatku, maka ia (hadith Nabi s.a.w) itu yang lebih utama, jangan kamu mengikutiku" - Al-Zahabi, Siyar 'Alam al-Nubala', 10/33 (Maksudnya: jangan mengikutinya dalam pendapat-pendapat beliau yang tidak bertepatan dengan sunnah RasululLah s.a.w.)
"Every word that I say and if it is found from what is sahih(agreed upon most or all scholars) that is said to have come from RasullulLah which is against my opinion, then that(Prophet's s.a.w Hadeeth) is to be placed first and foremost, don't you follow mine" [i.e. dont follow him in his opinions which is not in accordance to RasululLah s.a.w. sunnah]
I advise myself and hopefully others to please do your homework because whatever that we believe and say, we are the ones responsible for it.. in the end, we are the ones who are going to face Allah Almighty, not your friends or ustaz or tok guru or anybody else.. please read the following article also for a info about where this wahhabi phenomenon came from. And Allah Almighty knows best. May we all be shown to the true and right path, insya-Allah...Ameen.
p.s. I forgive anyone who after reading this says or thinks.."Laa, dah lah tuh..wan dah terpengaruh dahh..dah jadi wahhabi"..."Thats it lah, wan have been influenced.. he's now a wahhabi"
Excerpt from this book.. "Siapakah Ahli Sunnah yang sebenar" by Dr Azwira Abdul Aziz link here --> Click!
Jika dilihat dari sudut bahasa, perkataan Wahabiyyah itu sangat quddus (suci) kerana ia berasal daripada perkataan Wahhab yang merupakan salah satu daripada nama Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala (Al-Wahhab). Perkataan Wahhab itu juga sinonim dengan nama ayahnya ‘Abd Al-Wahhab, manakala namanya yang sebenar (Muhammad) menyamai nama Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam. Jika dilihat dari segi kesesuaian nama, sepatutnya gerakan itu digelar Muhammadi dan bukannya Wahabi, kerana orang yang dianggap sebagai pengasas gerakan itu bernama Muhammad dan bukannya Wahhab.
Persoalannya, kenapakah suatu gerakan yang dianggap sesat itu digelar dan dinisbahkan kepada nama Allah yang Maha Quddus, dan juga kenapakah ia dinisbahkan kepada nama ayah dan bukan kepada nama sebenar tokoh berkenaan? Sebenarnya, penulis sendiri sejak sekian lama tertanya-tanya berkenaan hal ini, sehinggalah seorang sahabat mengisyaratkan kepada kewujudan sebuah risalah yang membahaskan persoalan tersebut.
Risalah itu mencatatkan bahawa istilah Wahabiyyah itu pada asalnya adalah gelaran bagi puak-puak Khawarij yang muncul di kawasan Utara Afrika dan Maghribi. Ia dinisbahkan kepada pimpinan puak Khawarij kerajaan Ar-Rustumiyyah bernama ‘Abd Al-Wahhab Ar-Rustumi dan juga pimpinan puak Khawarij Al-Haruriyyah yang bernama ‘Abd Allah Ibn Wahab Al-Wasibi. Kedua-dua puak Khawarij ini muncul lama sebelum kemunculan gerakan dakwah islah Muhammad Ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhab [Muhammad ibn Sa’ad Ash-Shuwai’ir, Tashih Khata’ Tarikhi Haula Al-Wahhabiyyah, 1413H, Hal: 4, Dalam Prof. Nasir Ibn ‘Abd Al-Karim Al-’Aql, Islamiyyah La Wahhabiyyah, Dar Kunuz Isybiliya, Riyadh, Arab Saudi, 2004, Hal: 36]
Oleh kerana ada persamaan pada nama mereka dari segi kewujudan perkataan wahhab itu, maka persamaan itu, yang lebih merupakan satu “kebetulan”, diambil kesempatan oleh para pendukung bid’ah untuk mengaitkan gerakan islah Muhammad Ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhab dengan puak berkenaan. Dengan memberinya gelaran puak Khawarij, maka mereka telah berjaya memburukkan imej gerakan islah Muhammad Ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhab pada kaca mata sebahagian besar umat Islam yang jahil. Akibatnya,usaha baik yang dilancarkan untuk memurnikan tauhid, membetulkan aqidah dan menghidupkan Sunnah Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam telah disalah anggap sebagai gerakan Khawarij yang menyimpang daripada ajaran Islam.
Imej gerakan dakwah islah Muhammad Ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhab itu menjadi lebih buruk apabila para pendukung bid’ah dengan niat yang jahat sengaja mengaitkannya dengan faktor kejatuhan kerajaan ‘Uthmaniyyah Turki (akan dijelaskan dalam perbincangan Tohmahan 7, insyaAllah). Manakala pada hari ini, terutamanya selepas peristiwa 11 September, istilah wahabiyyah digunakan secara negatif pula oleh media-media barat bagi menggambarkan para pendukung Sunnah yang berpegang teguh dengan ajaran Islam sebagai fundamentalis, ekstrimis, pengganas dan militan agama. Apa yang menyedihkan persepsi negatif barat ini diterima pakai oleh umat Islam sendiri sehingga mereka turut memerhatikan saudara seislam mereka melalui kaca mata barat. Wala Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billah.
Salaam Alaik.. Hi . Hope u r doing fine. Read ur latest entry and it was excelllent. Personally i feel the dilemma facing the ummah nowadays is `labelling`.We have more flavors than Magnolia Ice Cream(Sufis, Salafis etc.) now
ReplyDeleteI Quote from a fellow brother`s blog which is a metaphor to the above
Our house is under vicious attack. The roof is on fire and the windows have been broken into. Enemies have surrounded the perimeter and day and night launch their most destructive firepower on the existing foundation. Inside, we stand in the kitchen arguing about who is going to do the dishes`,
Walaikumsalam Wr wb.
Alaika assalaam bro.. Aku k, fine alhamdulillah, ko acam?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the quote! Sums it up uh? There are bigger, more important issues to be resolved.
:) i agree with u.. people are quick to label.. but in the first place.. i'm not sure if they even know what they are labelling.
ReplyDeletesalafis and wahabis i think they are just going back to the roots.
when i was re-learning Islam.. ppl tell me about how we must be under a mazhab.. like syafie. and kalau tukar.. kena tukar semua.. i questioned the necessity. Alhamdulillah.. learning more about Islam, has helped me understand my religion better.
tks for sharing and bringing this up.